How to use Anointing Oil
Anointing Oil is a consecrated oil which can be used in many ways.
*Anoint Candles to strengthen candle magick.
*Bless or consecrate people or objects while Saying a blessing.
*Wear Anointing oil with properties of protection.
*Use it to the attune to your surroundings. *Wear for health benefits.
*In a coven or group, anoint on all to attune energies together.
*Aids in healing associated with aromatherapy.
*To make a connection with deities.
Aloe Vera
Magickal uses include Beauty, Success, Healing, Protection & Peace.
*Can be hung in the home for Protection & luck.
*Grown in pots and placed around home to protect those who live there from accidents within the home.
Medicinal uses include: relieving poison ivy & other rashes, treats burns, insect bites & blisters.
*Use the gel from the plant to put on burns, blisters, rashes etc. It can also be but on scrapes & cuts to combat bacteria. When finished, but it in a sandwich bag and place it in the refrigerator for future uses.
*Also used in Soaps & creams to help maintain healthy skin as well as rejuvenate it.

Sage - Healing, Cleansing & Blessing a person/object.
Use with caution, a lot of people are allergic to sage Smoke
Cedar - Protecting a person/object/home from unwanted influences, to cleanse a home & to ask unwelcome spirits to leave.
Sweetgrass - Commonly burnt after to sage to welcome positive energy after the negative has been driven away.
Lavender - Promotes Sleep & wishes. Also aids in Healing.
Be sure to look up information on specific herbs. Some are not suited for burning!
Use this section if you run across any terms that you are not familiar with.
Aboriginal: Pagan tradition of the native Australian people.
Acolyte: A beginner or "novice" used in many magickal orders.
Adept: An individual who through serious study and accomplishment s is considered highly proficient in a particular magickal system.
Afterworld: The world of the Dead, called Summerland in some Wiccan beliefs. A place to rest between lives.
Akasha Spirit: The fifth element, the omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the universe.
Air: One of the four Ancient Alchemical Guardian Elements, corresponds to the East Watchtower of a Circle.
Alban Elfed: Autumn Equinox Sabbat, one of the Eight Witches Sabbats of The Wheel of the Year. It is usually held on the first day of Autumn, normally 22nd September, aka Second Festival of Harvest.
Alchemy: A branch of High Magick developed in the Middle Ages which sought to magickally and/or chemically turn base metals into gold.
Alexandrians: Witches initiated by (or stemming from those initiated by) Alex and Maxine Sanders. An offshoot of Gardnerian witchcraft, though founded independently.
Algard Tradition: A Wiccan religious tradition founded by Mary Nesnick of New York City, in the late 70's. Their Book of Shadows includes a combination of Gardnerian and Alexandrian components.
Alraun: A talismanic image made of rowan wood.
Altar: A table or raised structure for use in rituals, usually within a Cast Circle, upon which are kept offerings, candles, incense and Magickal Tools. Exact use varies between differing Covens and Traditions.
American Tradition: A Wiccan tradition that is an offshoot of Gardnerian Wicca, founded by Ed Fitch and several Southern Californian Gardnerians in the late 70's. The tradition includes Gardnerian material and additional material supplied by the founders. This tradition is sometimes known as Mohsian, after the two founders whose last name was Mohs.
Amulet: A magickally charged protecting object, popular amongst many, can be jewelery or other items (stone, rabbits foot, etc).
Anima/Animus: Jungarian concept that Anima is the buried feminine element in a man's psyche and that Animus is the buried masculine element in the female. This then fits into the Pagan views that Self and/or Soul is both male and female, and with the concepts of reincarnation.
Animistic: The belief that all forms of nature have a Divine Spirit within.
Ankh: An Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic widely used as a symbol of life, love, and reincarnation. Popular for use in healing and fertility rites. It is a cross with a looped top.
Arcadian Tradition: A male oriented worship of the Horned God, less sexists than Dianic Wicca, as most Arcadian groups admit women.
Arcana: The two halves of a tarot deck. The Major Arcana consists of 22 trumps, the Minor Arcana consists of 52 suit cards (sometimes called the lesser or lower Arcana).
Archetypes: Extremely basic forms within the human psyche.
Aromatherapy: 1) Use of a various flower, herb, oil, and/or incense fragrances and smells to achieve a certain goal (i.e. chamomile for relaxation). 2) Holistic Aromatherapy: Uses massage techniques with fragrances. 3) Magickal Aromatherapy: Uses visualization with fragrances.
"As Above, So Below": A saying that means that universal and natural laws apply to inner and outer consciousness. Everything is connected and is a part of everything else.
Aspecting: Any advanced magickal activity in which a practitioner manifests a particular aspect of the Goddess or God, in thought, feelings, behavior, appearance, etc.; Often as a direct result of a "Drawing Down". Often a minor variation of this phenomena occurs with the selection of a "Magical Name", of Craft Name.
Aspects: Forms, facets, or personas of Deity: for example, Brighid, Iseult, Eos, and Kore are all aspects of the Maiden, and the Maiden is an aspect of the Goddess. Asperge: To sprinkle with water before or during a ritual, to purify with sprinkled water.
Asperger: A bundle of fresh herbs or a perforated object used to sprinkle water during or preceding ritual, for purification purposes.
Astral Body: The "psychic" double of the physical body that extends slightly beyond the physical.
Astral Plane: A place which is generally conceptualized as an invisible parallel world which remains unseen from our own solid world of form.
Astral Travel/Projection: The process of separating your astral body from your physical one to accomplish travel in the astral plane or dream time.
Astrology: The study of and belief in the effects the movements and placements of planets and other heavenly bodies have on the lives and behaviour of human beings.
Athame: A cleansed and consecrated ritual blade. Usually double edged, and black handled. It is never used to cut anything on the physical plane. Pronounced several ways: Ah-THAM-ee ATH-ah-may ah-THAW-may. (Probably one of the most mispronounced words in the Wiccan language).
Aura: The life-energy field which surrounds all living things.
Automatic Writing: Form of divination where the channeler uses a pen, paper, and an altered state of consciousness to receive messages.
Avatar: An advanced soul, who chooses to return to the physical body, in order to teach the less evolved.
Baculum: Witches rod, staff, wand, or "broomstick" used in divination and certain fertility spells.
Balefire: A fire lit for magickal purposes, usually outdoors. They are traditional on Beltane, Midsummer, Lammas and Yule. Dancing Deosil (sunward) around the fire often takes place to invoke the deities etc.
Bane: That which destroys life, which is poisonous, destructive, dangerous. Also a deadly herb with poisonous properties, such as henbane, wolfsbane and baneberries.
Banish(ing): A ritual to remove negative influences from a person, place or object, or to release a conjured spirit. To magickally end something. To rid the presence of.
Bardic Tradition: A tradition derived from Celtic Druidism.
Barrow:An elven or Celtic burial mound often used by covens for Sabbats.
B.C.E.: Before Common Era. Synonymous with B.C. without religious bias.
Bell: Symbol of Goddess or of the motion of the elements, swinging back and forth (positive / negative). They can be used to invoke directional energies, to ring in the sunrise on a Sabbat, or to frighten away faeries and baneful spirits. It can also be rung to mark the beginning or end of a ritual.
Beltane: One of the Eight Witches Sabbats, usually celebrated on May Day, represents the death of Winter, the birth of Spring. and the rebirth of the Sun, symbol of the Horned God. Traditionally celebrated by Dancing around the Maypole (a phallic fertility symbol) and by the Celtic Beltane Bonfire, usually on top of a hill.
Besom: A Straw Broom, used in certain ceremonies (Handfasting, Candlemas Sabbat, etc), and for magickal cleansing, not as is suggested by Legend for flying upon! (Shame though, isn't it!) Often used to “sweep away” negative energies from the ritual space or wherever the witch feels a need for magickal cleansing.
"Beyond the Veil": A term pertaining to those things beyond our 'normal' 5 senses, such as angels, fairies, ghosts, and things like channeling.
Biddy: A "doll" made from the last sheaf of the last harvest. Sometimes called Corn Dolls. Represents the Mother Earth's fertility.
Bi-Location: A type of astral projection during which you maintain awareness of your present surroundings.
Binding: A controlling spell, used to prevent negative things from happening, though the exact ethics of such a spell (and the possible breach of The Rede) are debated by many, some think it wrong, some think it's okay if the situation warrants it! To put it simply, “to magickally restrain something or someone”. (That’s where the ethical issues come in).
Birthstone:A gem or jewel associated with your birth month or astrological sign, purported to bring good luck!
Black Magick:(Also Black Arts) A term used to describe negative magick, performed with selfish or evil intent. Wiccan's take offense to being linked to Black Magick (or Arts) for our creed (The Rede) keeps us from using Magick to harm others, for if we do, we will receive it back threefold! (Many witches do not believe in this term.)
"Blessed Be":Probably the best know Pagan expression. People use it as both a greeting and a farewell, and as a general expression of blessed during ritual. Pronounced as three syllables. (Bless-ed Be)
Blood of the Moon: A woman’s menstrual cycle. Should this cycle occur over a Full Moon or New Moon, she is far more powerful than during any other time of the month, as long as she acknowledges this strength within herself.
Bolline: Usually a white-handled knife, used opposite the Athame. It has a single edge and is used for more simple working actions such as cutting herbs or engraving candles.
Book Of Shadows: A witch’s book of spells, rituals, and magickal lore. Much akin to a magickal cookbook. Also known as BOS.
Book, Mirror: A diary record of personal magickal events. Sometimes synonymous with Book of Shadows.
Brazier: a thurible or incense burner. Usually ceramic or metal and often designed to be suspended or swung by a chain; usually ornate. The brazier is often partly filled with sand so that incense sticks may be inserted or charcoal briquettes placed inside to burn. Synonymous with censer.
British Tradition: This tradition of Wicca actually has two sub divisions. 1) Any of the old traditions closely related to the Gardnerian Craft but excluding family traditions and other British traditions dissimilar to Gardnerian Wicca. 2) Any of the old British traditions, including the old family and Bardic traditions.
Broom: See Besom.
Burin: An engraving tool, often made with a wooden handle carved by the user and a sharpened nail.
Burning Times: Reference to a historical time from around 1000 C.E. through the 17th century when it is said that up to nine million people were tortured and burned by church and public officials on the assumption that they were the Christian version of Witches. This turned into an extremely profitable venture, as all land and property was seized from the accused individual and portions given to the accuser (in reward fashion) and the remainder seized by the church officials. Historians indicate that the majority of people tortured and murdered were women and children. (Mostly the elderly women and young children who were a “burden” on society, as they were either too old, young, sickly or small to work).
Cakes and Ale: This is a simple ritual meal shared with the Goddess and God, usually within the Circle, near the completion of a religious ritual. It is custom to save a small portion of the meal to return to the Earth as a symbol of appreciation and thanks for all that has been given to us.
Call: Invoking Divine forces.
Calling the Quarters: A part of the ritual construction of a magical circle, when the four elements of air, fire, water, and earth are called upon to be a part of the sacred space.
Calling the Circle: The consecration of an area in which a Witch or a coven of Witches will be holding a ritual.
Candle Dressing: The act of dressing a candle with oil in order to achieve a certain level of magickal potency before performing spellcraft.
Candle Magick: A form of sympathetic magick, using different coloured candles to represent people and objects at which spells are directed. Different colours have differing attributes, influences and emotions.
Candlemas: One of the names for one of the Eight Witches Sabbats, aka Imbolc, Oimelc, Lupercus and Disting. Usually celebrated on 2nd February, and is also the Feast of Pan. Traditionally a celebration of change, and rebirth.
Cardinal Points: North, South, East, and West, marked in the Georgian Tradition by candles of green, red, yellow, and blue respectively. You can use candles, crystals, and herbs. The Circle is drawn to connect these four points.
Cartomancy: The act of reading cards in divination work.
Casting: The act of casting a protective space for ritual of visual work. (Usually a circle is cast).
Cauldron: A Cast Iron Pot used during Rituals, symbolically mixing the Four Ancient Elements and the Goddess Womb as well as the waters of rebirth. Used for various purposes, including burning incense, holding charcoal or herbs and brewing potions.
CAW/Church of All Worlds: A NeoPagan church founded by Otter (Oberon) G'Zell, who also publishes the Pagan adult magazine Green Egg, and the child magazine HAM (How About Magick).
C.E.: Common Era. Synonymous with A.D. but without religious bias.
Celtic Tradition: 1) Old Celtic Tradition as practiced by the late Lady Gwynne (or Gwen) Thompson d. 1987. This is a tradition similar to Welsh Traditional but which adopted rituals similar to those of Gardnerian. This Family Tradition derived from Southern Welsh sources and was brought to the U.S. through Nova Scotia. 2) American Celtic Tradition as practiced by Lady Sheba (Jessie Bell) allegedly derived from Family traditional, Mike Howard of "The Cauldron" in Wales, and Gardnerian sources. 3) In England, British Celtic covens are called tribes and are led by Elders instead of High Priests and High Priestesses.
Censer: A heat proof container for incense burning or smouldering. It is the symbol for the element air.
Cernunnos: The Ancient Celtic Horned God, of nature, hunting and fertility, consort of the Goddess.
Ceremonial Magick: A highly codified magickal tradition based upon Kabbala, the Jewish-Gnostic mystical teachings.
Chakra: A name given to one of the special psychic energy points of the human body. The seven major ones are Root (base of the spine), Sacral (genital region), Solar Plexus (tummy), Heart (chest), Throat (neck), Third-Eye (brow) and Crown (top of head). Usually represented by differing coloured Lotus flowers (or just colours), useful for visualization.
Chalice: A sacred cup or goblet used during rituals, commonly holding (consecrated) wine, water or fruit juice. It has similar meanings to the cauldron and represents the element water.
Channeling, Physical: The action of psychic impulses on a physical level; such as using a tarot deck.
Channeling, Mental: The action of psychic impulses on a mental level; such as clairvoyance. A term often used by authors wishing to sell their books, as this was a 'fad' for several years. It is the exercise where a person "channels" the thoughts of a person considered "dead". This includes spirit entities, "angels", and deceased persons.
Chant: A combination of words in a rhythmic pattern, used to generate power when building toward the working of magic. Chanting can bring about an altered state of consciousness.
Chaplet: A crown for the head, usually made of flowers and worn at Beltane.
Charge of the God: Often used as part of the Wiccan Ritual of Drawing Down the Sun (God)
Charge of the Goddess: Often used as part of the Wiccan Ritual of Drawing Down the Moon. Written in modern form by Doreen Valiente, it is a story of the message from the Goddess to Her children.
Charging: To infuse an object with your personal power. (Example: charging water.)
Charms: Either an amulet or talisman that has been charmed by saying an incantation over it and instilling it with energy for a specific task.
Chatoyancy: The property of some stones such as Tiger's Eye or Moonstone; of showing apparent movement, illumination, or opalescence within it.
Cheiromancy: The act of reading palms (Palmistry).
Cingulum: Witch's girdle cord.
Circle: A sacred space wherein all magick is to be worked and all ritual contained. It both holds ritual energy until the witch is ready to release it, and provides protection for the witch.
Circle Dance: A ceremonial or recreational dance wherein the members of a grove or coven link hands and move deosil within a ceremonial area. The basic grapevine circle step is "right foot cross over, left foot sidestep, right foot cross back, left foot sidestep, etc."
Claiming: Action of consciously/un consciously seeing an object you want very much, and placing a psychic "mark" on it that holds the item until you can get it. Also called "marking".
Clairvoyance: The ability to see things not normally perceptible to sight.
Clairvoyant: The person with the ability of clairvoyance.
Clairsentience: "clear sensing" or empathy.
Cleansing: Removing negative energies from an object or space.
Cleopatra's Needle: An obelisk shaped crystal, used as a collector of negative and pent up energy. Usually placed in a flower part or sea sand to ground.
Collective Unconsciousness: Term used to describe the sentient connection of all living things, past and present.
Colour Breathing: A method of concentrating on breathing various colours to have a mental, emotional, and physical affect on the body.
Coming of Age Ritual: At age 13 for boys, and at the time of a girl’s first menses, Pagan children are seen as spiritual adults. The ritual celebrates their new maturity. Generally this is the age when they are permitted membership in covens.
Cone of Power: Psychic energy raised and focused by either an individual or group mind (coven) to achieve a definite purpose. (Often represented symbolically by the traditional “witch’s hat”!)
Conjuration: The act of summoning non-physical entities.
Consecration: The act, process or ceremony of cleansing and making something sacred for use in Rituals.
Contact: A non-physical being who acts as a guide and instructor. Coven: An organized group of Witches, traditionally 13 in number (but can be any number), led by a Priestess, Priest or both and joined through initiation, who meet to work together in an organized fashion for positive magickal endeavors and/or to perform religious ceremonies and rituals.
Conscious Mind: The analytical, materially-bas ed, rational half of our consciousness. The part of our mind that is at work while we balance our checkbooks, theorize, communicate, and perform other acts related to the physical world.
Cords of Life: A Starhawk ritual. Using decorated and coloured cords, the purpose is to get an idea of "you reap what you sow".
Covendom: The area watched over by a coven.
Covenstead: A meeting place of witches, often a fixed building or place where the witch can feel safe and at home.
Cowan: Can mean either a person not of Wiccan beliefs, trying to fake the beliefs (a derogatory word for a "fake pagan"; a fool who doesn't know what they are talking about) or someone not of a Coven (I think I prefer the second explanation myself!). (Note: When in doubt, leave it out! If you can prevent yourself from using this term, I'd suggest it. Words that have double meaning can be dangerous, especially when one is offensive!)
Craft, (The): Another name for Wiccan Religion or Witchcraft.
Crone: The third aspect of the Triple Goddess, (often represented by Hecate). Represents maturity, wisdom, spiritual peace and endings, latterly death. Corresponds to the Waning and dark phases of the Moon. Also used to represent those women whom have passed through the menopause.
Croning: A ritual celebrating those who have come into "full wisdom" (50 + years). Females may be called Crones, males may be called Sages.
Cross Quarters: The midpoints of the seasons, they are four of the Sabbats, or holidays, which fall between the Sabbats at the Quarters.
Crystal: Any of the many types of gems, minerals, and rocks which are used according to their characteristic vibrations or qualities in Earth Magick.
Crystal Ball: Though many types of crystal can be bought in sphere form, this term is almost exclusively a reference to the clear quartz type. It is used for scrying and divination. Its round shape makes it a Goddess symbol, which is why periodic moon baths will keep it clear of negative energies and enhance its psychic powers.
Curse: A conscious direction of negative energy toward a person, place, or thing. Considered immoral.
Dagdyne: Witch's magickal sewing needle.
Days of Power: See Sabbat. They can also be days triggered by astrological occurances: your birthday, a woman’s menstrual cycle, your dedication/ini tiation anniversary.
Dedication: The process where an individual accepts the Craft as their path and vows to study and learn all that is necessary to reach adept ship. It is a conscious preparation to accept something new into your life and stick with it, regardless of the highs and lows that may follow.
Degrees: This varies between traditions but a degree is a level of expertise recognized by a more adept person. Sometimes these are meaningless self-vanities but usually a 1st Degree person can work in rituals; 2nd Degree maybe could lead the ritual; and 3rd Degree can teach & do initiations. Some groups talk about dozens of Degrees. Other groups don't have any, but are still just as qualified. It can get very confusing!
Deity: A supreme or divine being, a God or Goddess, most Wiccan's have their own patron Deities, from the Pantheon of names that exist for them and their differing attributes.
Demon: Non-physical spirit; also called elemental, deva, angel. In Christian mythology this word refers to evil entities who are governed by Satan. Wiccans do not believe in this Christian deity. Some Wiccans avoid the term "demon" to avoid the dogma associated with it.
Deosil: Sunwards or clockwise motion (in Northern Hemisphere, Anti-Clockwise in the Southern), thought to be positive. Widdershins is the opposite. Deosil is symbolic of life, positive magick, and positive energies.
Deva: Angelic or radiant beings having great intelligence. They help guide nature by their understanding of the Divine Plan. The direct energies of nature.
Dianic Tradition: 1) A feminine based craft movement, which rejects the concept of the Male God, concentrating on the worship of the Goddess. Named after Diana, virgin goddess of the hunt; a stem of the Old Religion which has all-female members. 2) The Old Dianic Tradition. This a particular English tradition of Witchcraft honouring the Goddess Diana. It is a structured tradition and fairly similar to Gardnerian Wicca. Morgan McFarland, Mark Roberts, and Sybil Leek brought this tradition from England. It is called the Old Dianic tradition as opposed to the New Dianic tradition started by Z. Budapest. 3) The New Dianic Tradition is a particular tradition founded by Z. Budapest and other modern feminists. It has a loose ritual structure, a small core of feminist teachings, and encourages spontaneity among its members. Most covens accept women only, some accept only lesbians, a few accept women and men. 4) The original tradition of Shan, Clan Mother to the House of the Goddess in London, England. This tradition seems to have used a little of everything in it's formation, but primarily derives most of its teachings from the New Dianic Tradition. In the Dianic Tradition, there is much diversity in ritual and religious practice. Most covens honor the Goddess primarily or exclusively. Quite a few are Goddess Monotheistic.
Dirk: Ritual knife of the Scottish tradition.
Distaff: Ancient spinning implement. In archaic times, it was figuratively said that the Great Goddess spun the Earth and all things from Her distaff. In Nordic and Central European folklore, the line linking the axis of the Earth with the north star was called the distaff.
Divination: The magickal art of using tools and symbols to gather information from the Collective Unconsciousnes s. This can be on people, places, things, and events past, present, and future.
Divine Power: The life force of energy; ultimate source of all things (exists in the Goddess and the God in Wicca).
Dolmen: Ancient structure of stone used as a burial space. Often used by a grove as a place of power.
Donutting or Dissolving Clouds: This is a mental exercise during which you lay outside on your back, get comfortable, and as a slow moving cloud passes over you "drill" a hole through it to the blue sky using mind power.
Dowser: A person who is adept at using pendulum devices.
Dowsing: The divinatory art of using a pendulum or stick to find the actual location of a person, place, thing, or element.
Drawing Down The Moon: The Ritual Invocation of the Goddess, usually performed on one of the Esbats. Involves drawing down the persona of the Goddess into the High Priestess. Can be performed by any experienced Witch.
Drawing Down The Sun: The Ritual Invocation of the Horned God, performed during some Rituals, usually Sabbat celebrations. Involves drawing down the persona of the God into the High Priest. Can be performed by any experienced Witch.
Druidism or Druidry: One of the several religions that predominated in Gaul and other Celtic countries from approximately 3000 B.C.E. to approximately 300 C.E. The emphasis was on worship or reverence for the Oak tree and Mistletoe which grew thereon.
Druids: Celtic pre-Christian Priests, thought by some to have built Stonehenge. Nature worshippers, similar to Wiccan's, though with some differences. Worship in 'Glades', similar to Wiccan Covens.
Druid New Moon: Six days following the astrological new moon.
Dualism: In theology, it usually refers to the division of all things divine into two categories. Female/male, positive/negat ive, light/dark, hot/cold, Goddess/God.
Duality: The opposite of polarity. When used as a religious term, it separates two opposites, such as good and evil, and places those characteristic s into two completely separate God-forms.
Earth: One of the Four Elements, symbolizing North/Winter.
Earth Magick: A practical form of magick where in the powers and forces of Earth Mother are used to conduct magickal workings or celebrations.
Earth Plane: Metaphor for your normal, waking consciousness. Or the everyday, solid world we live in.
Earth Power: Manifested Divine power found in natural things.
Eclectic: A mixture of beliefs borrowed from traditions and theologies. Most Solitary Witches are Eclectic.
Elders: Has various meanings in different branches of the Craft, but usually refers to one of advanced degree. In some traditions, it means one who has been a third degree for more than a year. 1.) In some three degree traditions, a Witch of Third degree, who has spent 3 years and 3 days in formal training. 2.) A Coven Leader. 3.) a Witch who has enough knowledge to preserve and teach their tradition to neophytes from scratch, without benefit of books. 4.) In Y Tylwyth Teg it means one who has obtained a fourth level initiation.
Elder Ones: In Pagan mythology worldwide, it is noted that there were advanced races who either died or migrated into other lands (planes) either before the coming of mankind or very early in the history of the Earth. They were considered to have great magickal powers and high spirituality.
Elements: The four essences that are the building blocks of the Universe. (Earth-North, Air-East, Fire-South, and Water-West) Everything that exists, or has the potential to exist, contain one or more of these energies. The four form the Primal Essences, or true "Power". Some consider there to exist a Fifth element, that of 'spirit,' 'self,' or 'soul' which is depicted as the 'center' of the four and can be represented by the colours white or black.
Elementals: Archetypical spirit beings associated with one of the four elements. Elementals are sometimes called Faeries.
Eleven: Secretive tradition of the Craft which works closely with elemental beings. Elf Fire: Fire used to light the balefire; produced without the use of metals; also called needfire; It also describes the fire which is kept all year long by the Elders and is used to light the balefire at the end of the year which is used to light the new elf fire.
Elf Lights: Are made of little cairns of stone, with inside room for a small candle in its glass holder. The stones are staggered so that when lit, the light shines through. A loose stone covers the top a few inches above the flame. These are wonderful little garden lights!
Elixer: A liquid made by placing a gem or crystal, in a glass of water for a specified length of time, then drank. Take the crystal out first, and make sure that the crystal in use will not dissolve into the water or have minerals that will infuse with the water and become poisonous!
Enchantment: A magickal object that must be kept absolutely secret and hidden from all human eyes and affects a hidden aura. They must be charmed first. Gems and magickal writing are good items to use.
Energy: Natural vibration or power that we tap into or raise in our spells and rituals.
Empath: A person who can feel the emotions of other animate (living) entities, such as human, plant or animal. Some include inanimate objects as well under this word.
Empower/Empowering: The movement of personal energies into herbs, stones, and other objects. These tools, or objects, are then used for magick. In herbs, empowering aligns the energies within the herbs with magickal goals.
Ephemeris: An astrology term. It refers to a collection of precise dates and calculations of when certain planets were where, and when.
Eostre's Eggs: Coloured, decorated eggs of Ostara; named for the Teutonic Goddess Eostre.
Equinox: Happens twice a year when the sun is exactly over the Earth's middle (Equator). It produces one day of equal light and dark hours all over the world.
Esbat: A ritual usually occurring on the Full Moon and dedicated to the Goddess in her lunar aspect.
E.S.P.: (Extra Sensory Perception) 1) beyond the senses. 2) An awareness of events or emotions not present to the physical senses. Usually included is 4 types: telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and psychokinesis. 3) acronym for extra sensory perception.
Essential Oil: The fragrant "blood" or liquid of a plant, usually flower. Sometimes called ethereals.
Evil Eye: Laying a curse upon a person by looking at them. Considered immoral.
Evocation: Evoking a Deity, Spirit or Entity to attend upon or manifest itself before the Practitioner. (To call something out from within).
Exorcism: 1) traditionally, the process of driving out negativities or spirits (demons). 2) in herb magick, a powerful purification.
Faerie: One of many nature spirits that inhabit a realm or dimension next to our own. See Elementals.
Faerie Burgh: Mound of earth which covers a faerie colony’s underground home.
Fairy Tradition: 1.) Wiccan tradition practiced by Victor Anderson and the late Gwydion Pendderwen, and their students. Sometimes called Old Fairy. See also Welsh Tradition. 2.) Wiccan practice derived from the teachings of Starhawk sometimes called New Fairy.
Familiar: An animal that has a spiritual bond with a witch; many times a family witch. Familiars can also be entities that dwell on the astral plane.
Fascination: A mental effort to control another animal or person’s mind. Also known as “mind-bending” . Often considered unethical.
Fetch: In some traditions, a young boy, usually 12-15 years of age, who acts for the High Priest and Priestess in locating things either within or without the covenstead.
Fey: A Welsh term for fairy-like qualities, usually of clairvoyant nature.
Fith Fath: Gaelic for a small image of clay or wax formed in the image of a specific human being for the purpose of Magick.
Fivefold Kiss: The Witches' ritual greeting and blessing, consisting of eight kissing on the five points of the body--One on each foot, one on each knee, one above the pubic hair, one on each breast, and one on the lips. Only to be performed within the Circle. See The Fivefold Kiss for more information.
Flame Dancing: An exercise in Mind Control attempting to control from a distance, a candle flame; to make it burn steady & still, or 'dance'. The ultimate goal being to snuff the candle.
Folklore: Traditional sayings, cures, faerie tales, and folk wisdom of a particular locale which is separate from their mythology.
Folk Magick: The Practice of projecting personal power, as well as the energies within natural objects such as herbs, and crystals, to bring about needed changes.
Fourth Face of the Goddess, The: That which is never seen, the unknown. Some say this is the source of her power.
Full Moon: The phase of the moon in which the full face of the moon is visible. When the moon is round and completely visible.
Gaea/Gaia: Mother Earth.
Gaian: A term which recognizes the Earth Goddess Gaia as a living, breathing organism. Then everything else is part of it, rather than apart from it.
Gardnerian: A Wiccan tradition originated in the 40's and 50's by Gerald Gardner with the help of Doreen Valiente and others; This tradition is Celtic in origin, encompassing rituals as practiced in the south of England. It incorporates within its rituals and philosophy certain ideas first published by Charles Leland (Aradia - Gospel of the Witches). It also refers to one who traces linage directly back to Gerald Gardner and one of his High Priestesses in an unbroken line. There are three known fully recognized Gardnerian lineages in the United States. In the U.S., The Long Island Line, The Kentucky Line and the Donna Cole Line are most prominent. A fourth line, the emerging California Line, is an offshoot of the Long Island Line. Gardnerians in the United States tend to be highly attentive to lineage and its traceability. Some Gardnerian Witches will not recognize the initiation of another if the initiation was through a male.
Geas: A Magickal Obligation that a Welsh Witch places him or herself under in order to prove his or her honor for the Gods. This is a very misunderstood term. The Witch may voluntarily accept a Geas, but a Geas can also be placed upon someone whom you wish to obligate. Also, a Sacred Trust.
Geomancer: Someone who practices the art of Geomancy, which is a system of divination that consists of making a random number of marks either on paper or a shallow box filled with earth, then constructing a pattern of dots from those marks, which are then interpreted for the answer. If you would like to know more about how this is done, The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie has a chapter about it. It's a rather complicated system, and it's used mostly in connection with ceremonial magic.
Goblet: A cup or chalice.
God: The divine equal and counterpart to the Goddess. (often depicted as Green God of Summer (the Green man, Oak King, etc) and Horned God of Winter (the Stag King, Holly King, etc)). Seen as the Sun, without which we couldn't survive. His life is honoured through the passing of the seasons. The God's domains are untouched lands. The stars are his too. His symbols are the sword, horn, spears, wands, knife, arrow, and sickle.
Goddess: The divine equal and counterpart to the God. The Divine Universal Mother - the source of fertility, wisdom, and love. Depicted in 3 aspects: The Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. Her gift is life and She is all nature. (Mother Nature). Her life is honoured not only through respect of all living things, but also by using Esbats to celebrate, since one of her symbols in the moon. Other symbols include the cauldron, chalice, mirror, and five-petalled flower.
Grain Dolly: Figure usually woven at Imbolc from dried sheaves of grain collected at the previous harvest. The dolly is traditionally burned at Yule and a new one made the following Imbolc.
Grave Goods: This is a collection of memorabilia, collected for someone who has just passed over, often then contained in a bag, then buried or cremated when the person is done. It can be things like pictures or herbs to 'good wishes' & spells of an easy transformation . Despite popular belief, Grave Goods are not things dug up from graves nor are they gravestones.
Great Rite: Symbolic sexual union (also sacred marriage) of the Goddess and God that is enacted at Beltane in many traditions, and other Sabbats in other traditions. It symbolizes the primal act of creation from which all life comes.
Green Man: Another name for the God.
Greenwich Time: A term used in Astrology. Greenwich is where the meridian passes over and when the British set up a standard to make time worldwide uniform, they started here at the time the Sun passed over. From this start, Time Zones were set up to cover large areas and Daylight Savings used to utilize sunlit hours but these are artificial times of convenience for human use.
Grimoire: A magickal workbook with information on rituals, magickal properties of natural objects, and preparation of ritual tools. Often used interchangeabl y with Book of Shadows. (This term was made popular on the TV show "Charmed". In the show, the "Grimoire" referred to an ultimately 'evil' version of the "Book of Shadows". This adaptation of the term is completely fictional and is not to be used in this context outside of fiction. In fact, it is best not to use it at all when talking to someone who is not familiar with the term.)
Grounding: To disperse excess energy generated during magickal work by sending it into the earth. It also means the process of centering one’s self in the physical world both before and after any ritual or astral experience.
Grove: Synonymous with coven, more commonly used in Druidic practices.
Guardians: Ceremonial magicians use the Guardians of the Watchtowers or Four Quarters. Some witches use them too.
Handfasting: A Wiccan/Pagan/Gypsy wedding. Unlike a marriage "until death do you part", a handfasting will stop if the love stops.
The Three Handfastings
1) a year and a day, 2) a lifetime, 3) time and eternity
Henotheist: One who worships one "God" but does not deny the existence or value of other "Gods". Some Dianics are Henotheists.
Herb: A plant used in cooking, cosmetics, medical purposes and magickal purposes.
Herbalism: Art of using herbs to facilitate human needs both magickally and medicinally.
Hereditaries: Witches who claim a continuous family tradition and practice of the Craft, from long before the current revival. See also Hereditary Tradition.
Hereditary Tradition: When one is born into a Craft family and trained by a parent, grandparent, etc. Family loyalty was the surest way of secrecy; Y Tylwyth Teg is derived from a Hereditary Tradition. Pockets or Families of Hereditary Witches still exist in Europe and America, carrying on the family tradition. They are usually extremely secretive, preferring to work alone or only within their family. Their form of Witchcraft is different from that known as Wicca. There are some who claim to be descendants of such families. Since Hereditary status seems to be extremely prestigious, and difficult to check, false claims do happen. Some hereditary Witches express a low opinion of Witches of the revived traditions. Likewise, some Witches of the revived traditions show a similar distaste for hereditary Witches, or even a complete disbelief in their status.
Hex: To work Magick to cause bad luck, or to protect. From the German word for Witch. a Hexenmeister is one who practices hexing. In the U.S. this is found mostly among the Pennsylvania Dutch. (Also see Curse)
Hexagram: Six pointed star or six sided figure used in talismanic Magick.
High Priest: (1) The male leader of a coven, partner of the High Priestess who is the overall leader. (2) Any second-degree or third-degree male witch. (The distinction is between a coven function and a personal rank.)
High Priestess: (1) The female leader (and overall leader) of a coven. (2) Any second-degree female witch. (The distinction is between a coven function and a personal rank.)
Higher Self: That part of us which connects our corporeal minds to the Collective Unconscious and with the divine knowledge of the universe.
Hiving Off: The process whereby two or more members leave their parent coven to form their own coven. A relationship is continued during the first year between the two covens, afterward, no further communication is allowed. The High Priestess of the old coven, once two or more covens have hived off, becomes a Wiccan Queen, and wears slash marks of the appropriate number on her sleeve.
Horned God: One of the most prevalent God-images in Paganism. Often referred to as Pan, Herne, Cerne, and Cernunnos, as well as many other names. (Note: This image was demonized by the Catholic church in the 19th century*. The Horned God is not Satan, the Devil, or any form of ultimate evil at all. He is neither entirely benevolent nor entirely malevolent, He is merely a force of nature. Both Father and Hunter.)
Horoscope: The computation of astrology, and presented in a chart. It is erroneous to lump blanket predictions, such as found in the daily newspaper; under this term.
Huna: 1) The traditional Pagan religion of Hawaii 2) a magico-religio us system invented by Max Freedom Long, who is attempting to recreate what he thought the original Huna must have been like. Most who consider themselves to be practicing Huna are practicing the later.
Hypnosis: A method of making close contact with the subconscious mind which may be self induced or induced by another.
Imbolc: Also called Oimelc, Brigid. The festival celebrated Feb. 2nd, marking the first stirrings of Spring as the Goddess recovers from giving birth to the God. Also called: Candlemas, Lupercalia, Feast of Pan, Feast of Torches, Feast of Waxing Light, Oimelc, Brigit's Day, Snowdrop Festival, among others. Often a traditional time for self dedication or initiation. Pronounced: IM bulk.
Incantation: A spoken charm; also called a cantrip. Incarnation: The manifestations of a living entity into physical form; specifically, any one of the earthly lives of an immortal human individuality in the continuing Reincarnation process.
Infusion: A liquid produced by soaking herbs in very hot water (not boiling!). A tea, brew, or potion.
Initiate: 1) A Witch, Pagan or magician who has been formally inducted into the practice or priesthood of Wicca, Paganism or ritual Magick. 2) a Witch or Pagan who has experienced the initiatory transformation at the spiritual hands of the Old Ones. 3) one who has experienced the initiatory transformation at the hands of other Pagans or Witches.
Initiation: 1) A profound realization and understanding within the mind and soul formalized by ceremony. 2) a formal ritual or introductory process, or admitting; of a new member into a group (coven).
Incense: Ritual burning of herbs, oils, or other aromatic items to scent the air during acts of magick and ritual, and to better help the witch attune to the goal of the working.
Inner Circle: 1) In some Covens the group is composed of initiates only; 2) in other groups the Inner Circle is composed of leaders who are initiates of the third degree or elders.
Inner Plane Travel: Technique of guided imagery wherein a symbolic, archetypal tale or legend is narrated and the listener follows along with personal thoughts and imagery. These are extremely valuable since the story or myth can be experienced by the subconscious.
Invocation: To bring something in from without.
Isian Tradition: 1) a Wiccan tradition founded in Texas by an English Traditional Wiccan High Priestess and a Qabalistic ceremonial magician. It is Egyptian-orien ted, and its training and initiatory system are based on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. 2) a Wiccan tradition founded in Canada and consisting of a family of related covens including Isis-Artemis, Isis-Urania, and others. It is basically English Traditional in approach. 3) a Pagan tradition founded by The Fellowship of Isis, and originating in Ireland.
Jew-Itch: Name coined by some Pagans of Jewish origin who are actively seeking out the pagan roots of their birth religion. (Not derogatory).
Kabbala: Mystical teaching from the Jewish-Gnostic tradition. Ceremonial Magick and the Alexandrian traditions are based in these teachings. Also, Qabala.
Kahuna: A priest of Huna (see Huna).
Kamea: A numbered square relating to a planet.
Karma: The belief that one’s thoughts and deeds can either be counted against them or added to their spiritual path across several life times.
Key of Solomon: A famous Grimoire.
Kingstone Tradition: A conservative American form of British Traditional Wicca. It has existed in California since the 1960's. and was founded by a student of Gerald Gardner.
Labrys: A double-headed axe which symbolizes the Goddess in Her Lunar aspect. Has roots in ancient Crete.
Lady: A term of respect for a Priestess. (One who leads a group of Wiccans). (The Lady = The Goddess).
Lammas: August 1st. Witch Festival. The Old Celtic name for this festival is Lughnassadh. It is the Festival of the First Fruits, and is the first of the 3 harvests. This festival also marks the change of the Threefold Goddess energies from that of Mother to Crone.
Law of Three: The belief in a three-fold return for all actions. Whatever energy is sent out will return at three times its strength. Therefore sending any energy, positive or negative, will return to you in much greater strength.
Left-Hand Path: Refers to the practice of using magick to control others, to change the will of others, for personal gain. Generally frowned upon by true Wiccans and some Witches. Magick used for ill-purposes.
Libation: Ritually given portion of food or drink to a deity, nature spirit, or ghost.
Ligature: Magickal binding of a person.
Linking: Tying together symbols and their power.
Livewood: Refers to a tree in which a Dryad or Wood Sprite type being is believed to dwell.
Livestone: Refers to stones, mountains, cliffs, etc. in which a nature being is believed to dwell.
Litha: The summer solstice, also known as Midsummer. One of the Lesser Sabbats. See Midsummer.
Lord: A term of respect for a Priest. (One who leads a group of Wiccans). (The Lord = The God or Sun God)
Lunar Cycle: One full month; it is the twenty-eight-d ay period from full moon to the next full moon, or new moon to new moon.
Lustral Bath: Bath of symbolic purification for the soul and spirit which is taken prior to a ceremony. Usually salt is added for consecration and blessing.
Mabon: The festival celebrated around Sept. 21 on the Autumnal Equinox. It marks the second harvest and change of Autumn toward Winter, when Nature prepares for the time to come. A time of thanks and reflection by many old and new civilizations.
Macrocosm: The world around us.
Mage: Old English for the singular, 'Magus' and plural, 'Magi'; meaning a wise person. Can be a term of respect for a personal with great talent in a specific branch of magick; Herb Mage, Tarot Mage, etc.
Magic: "Slight of hand" or illusions of the eye. (physical exercise as opposed to "psychic").
Magician: Used in reference to one following a system of Ceremonial or High Magick. To the public it often means the same as a Witch; one who practices slight of hand or illusion.
Magick: The projection of natural energies (such as personal power) to bring about needed change. Energy exists in all things: us, plants, stones, colours, sounds, movements, even words. Magick is the process of raising this energy, giving it purpose, and releasing it. Magick is natural, not supernatural, practice, but is little understood. Magick is neither black or white. It simply is. What the witch decides to do with the magick is another matter (hence we’ve still written up the term "Black Magick").
Magick Circle: A sphere constructed of personal power in which rituals are usually performed. Within it the witch is protected from outside forces. The sphere extends both above and below the surface of the ground. (Sometimes simply referred to as "circle").
Magickal System: The basic set of guidelines relating to the worship of specific Gods and Goddesses or cultural traditions.
Magus: Archaic meaning: a hereditary priest of Medes or Persia. General meaning is a magician or sorcerer. Most often used to refer to one advanced in magickal practice. In general, a male occult adept. In Wiccan usage, a second-degree or third-degree male witch.
Maiden: Youngest aspect of the Triple Goddess. Also known as the Virgin. Represented by the waxing moon, colours white and blue. Her Sabbats are Imbolc and Ostara.
Male Mysteries: Pagan study which attempts to reclaim the power and mystery of the old Gods for today’s Pagan males.
Matrifocal: Term used to denote pre-patriarcha l life when family clans centered around and lived near or on clan matriarch.
May Pole: Sexual symbol of Beltane representing the phallus.
Measure: length of cord used to measure a Witch's height at the time of initiation. Meditation: Reflection, contemplation, turning inward toward the self, or outward toward Deity or nature. A quiet time in which the practitioner may either dwell upon particular thoughts or symbols, or allow them to come unbidden.
Megalith: A huge prehistoric stone monument, can be solitary, arranged in a Circle or in Lines. (Example, Stonehenge, Arbor Low, etc.)
Menhir: A huge stone probably erected by early peoples for religious, spiritual, or magickal reasons.
"Merry Meet, Merry Part": Greetings and salutations which are often used in ritual and daily life. Wicca is a religion of joy and celebration and we are reminded to come together in and part in "perfect love and perfect trust."
Metaphysical: A 'catch-all' term referring to subjects of transcendental , or supernatural reality.
Midsummer: The festival celebrated about June 21, on the Summer Solstice. An excellent time for magick and is the height of the God's (Sun) strength and power, being the longest day of the year. Also called Litha, bonfire leaping encouraged fertilty, purity, health and love. Fire being the symbol of the God.
Microcosm: The world within us.
Monotheism: Belief in one supreme deity who has no other forms and/or displays no other aspects.
Mother: The aspect of the Goddess representing motherhood, mid-life, and fertility. She is represented by the full moon, the egg, and the colours red and green. Her Sabbats are Midsummer and Lughnasadh.
Motion, Direct and Retrograde: These Astrological terms refer to the apparent movement of planets through the Zodiac. Direct is Forward, Retrograde is Backward, and at the time between Direct and Retrograde the planet is said to be Stationary or "in its station".
Mundane: Refers to the everyday. Non-magickal.
Mysteries: Profound metaphysical facts which underlie life, death, and the nature of the world and the universe. Such truths must be perceived not only with the intellect but with the deepest part of the subconcious as well.
Myth: Cycled body of lore about any land or people that makes up their mythology.
Necromancy: Calling up the dead by Magick.
Necromonicon: This was the literary invention of writer, H.P.Lovecraft. This author is renown for his wonderful fiction However, he lost the rights to this work and others turned this fictional work into a 'religion' for the gullible. Perhaps after these many years of 'worship', it can now be entitled the title of religion. But only by a very long stretch of that definition. As such, it deals with altering and predicting life by use of 'entities' from other planes. And deals with 'portals' in time & dimensions. All kinds of nifty role-playing, fantasy and sci-fi stuff! It also deals with all kinds of gruesome things. Though so far my encounters with 'practitioners ' of necromancy, have been young persons. And they seem oblivious to the fact they are making some money-mongers very happy. I most wholeheartedly urge everybody to stay away from this subject. To those who think they know better, good luck.
Neo-Gardnerian Tradition: A tradition founded on published Gardnerian materials rather than on Gardnerian initiatory linage. See also Gardnerian.
NeoPagan: Meaning "new" Pagan (a member of the newly formed religions based on old traditions) (NOTE: All Wiccans are Pagan, but not all Pagans are Wiccan.)
Neophyte: A term used for beginner participants of Pagan activities, sometimes incorrectly used in a derogatory manner.
New Age: The mixing of metaphysical practices with a structured religion.
New Fairy Tradition: Wiccan practice derived from the books and/or the teachings of Starhawk. See also Fairy Tradition.
New Moon: The phase of the moon when it is entirely dark.
New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn (NROOGD): A Wiccan tradition founded in 1967 by Aidan Kelly and others. The ritual material is all original poetry, but the basic approach and ritual style was heavily influenced by Gardnerian Wicca. Most of the covens in this family are avowedly Neo-Pagan, but at least one adopted very British Tradition attitudes and went underground for a few years. The tradition has nothing whatsoever to do with The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
New Religion: Pagan term used in reference to Christianity.
New Wiccan Church: An association of British Traditional Wiccan Covens. "British Traditional" in this case refers to Gardnerian Wicca and very closely related traditions, e.g., Kingstone, Silver Crescent, Taran, Alexandrian, and similar branches of the craft.
Nursery Rhyme: Cute doggerel or poems supposedly written for the amusement of children. Much Pagan lore was hidden in these ditties during the years of witch persecutions.
Occult: Literal meaning is “hidden” and is broadly applied to a wide range of metaphysical topics which lie outside the accepted realm of mainstream theologies.
Occultist: One who practices and/or studies a variety of occult subjects.
Officer: Male assistant to the high priest; also called candlebearer or summoner.
Ogham: Celtic equivalent of the Teutonic runes. The ancient alphabet of the Celtic people.
Oimelc: Imbolc, Candlemas
Old Ones: The A term which refers to all aspects of the Goddess and God.
Old Religion: A name for Paganism, as it pre-dates Christianity by at least 20,000 years.
Once-Born: One who has not been initiated into the Old Religion.
Ordains: The traditional laws found in the Gardnerian Book of Shadows and The Thirteen Treasures of Y Tylwyth Teg; 2) Often used to refer to the offshoots of those laws, often found in other traditions of Wicca. 3) Laws of the Craft, some for individuals and others for covens.
Ostara: The festival occuring at the Spring Equinox, about March 21, marking the start of Spring. This fire festival celebrates the Mother Earth's fertility and return of the God (Sun). A time of new beginnings and reproduction.
Outer Circle/Outer Court: 1) Composed of those in the beginning stages of the craft such as a Pagan Way group; 2) Some Covens place their neophytes or beginners in an Outer Court group until they show sufficient promise to initiate into the Inner Circle.
Pact: Binding oath of the written type between a Pagan or Witch and the coven or grove.
Pagan/NeoPagan: General term for followers of Wiccan and other magickal, shamanistic, and polytheistic Earth-based religions. Also used to refer to pre-Christian religious and magickal systems.
Paganing: When a baby is presented in circle to the Goddess and God, and given a craft name which s/he will keep until about 13 and can choose their own at their Coming of Age celebration. (Also called Wiccaning).
Pagan Way: An organization of Neo-Pagans started in the late sixties and early seventies. Many current Wiccan and Pagan organizations owe their existence to the work done by Ed Fitch and others.
Pallomancy: Divining with a pendulum. Same as Radiesthesia.
Palmistry: The 'reading' of palm features to explain personalities and divine futures of the person. This interesting subject involves much more than just reading the lines, there are shapes of the hand and fingers to consider; how they are held; seven mounts of Venus, Moon, Mars, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn; nail shapes; there are 'lines' for: affection, fate, head, heart, life, and sun; there are fans, islands, stars, triangles, grilles and branches and not all stars are good. Some hands carry the Cross of Intuition' or the rarer 'Ring of Solomon' or maybe just a pinker Moon Mount.
Pantheon: A collection or group of Gods and Goddesses in particular religious or mythical structure.
Pantheism: Name used to denote any system of belief or speculation that includes the teaching "God is all, and all is God." Pantheism, in other words, identifies the universe with God or God with the universe.
Passages: An exercise of a significant transition: birthdays, getting over that lost love, initiations, moving to a new house, etc. A big change.
Passing Over Ritual: Ritual observed when a loved one has died.
Past-Life Regression: Act of using meditation or guided meditation to pass through the veil of linear time and perceive experiences encountered in a previous existence.
Path Working: Using astral projection, bi-location, or dream time to accomplish a specific goal. Also called vision questing.
Patriarchal: Term used to apply to the world since the matrifocal clans that worshipped Goddesses were supplanted by codified religions that honour all-male deity(s).
Pendulum: A divinatory device consisting of a string attached to a heavy object, such as a quartz crystal, root, or ring. The free end of the string is held in the hand, the elbows steadied against a flat surface, and a question is asked. The movement of the heavy object’s swings determines the answer. It is a tool which contacts the psychic mind.
Pentacle: A circle surrounding a five-pointed, upright star (pentagram). Worn as a symbol of a witch’s beliefs. Many witches consider wearing it inverted to be blasphemy of their faith and is commonly associated with Satanism, though in some traditions it is said (inverted) it is a status symbol.
Pentagram: The basic interlaced five-pointed star, visualized with one point up. It represents the five elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. It is a symbol of power and protection.
Penton: Pendant or neck-piece worn during ceremony for devotional and/or magickal purposes. Usually it is a variant of the pentacle design.
Personal Power: The energy which sustains our bodies. It originates within the Goddess and God. We first absorb it from our biological mother within the womb, and later from food, water, the Moon and Sun, and other natural objects.
Plane, Mental: The thought process, conscious and unconscious.
Plane, Physical: The physical body and its workings, through coordination with the mental plane.
Plane, Spiritual: A person's perception of life's existence, consisting of belief or lack of belief in the Divine.
Pledge: The Pagan self-dedicatio n to live by established Pagan morality.
Polarity: The concept of equal, opposite energies. The Eastern Yin Yang is a perfect example. Yin is cold; Yang is hot. Other examples: Goddess/God, night/day, Moon/Sun, birth/death, dark/light, psychic mind/unconscio us mind. Universal balance.
Polytheism: Belief in the existence of many unrelated deities each with their own dominion and interests who have no spiritual or familial relationships to one another.
Poppets: Anthropomorphi c dolls used to represent certain human beings in magick spells.
Power, Personal: The energies which sustain the body and are used in Magick.
Power Object: A material object charged Witch energy and transferred into a subjects presence to effect a certain result.
Power Point: The center point of a Circle or of a Pentagram; also a point on the earth where water is moving up or down in the earth.
Precognitive: Is the act of knowing something before the event.
Priest, Priestess: Every initiated witch is regarded as a priest or priestess, the priest-functio n being seen as inherent in every human being who is prepared to activate it.
Projective Hand: The hand thought to be the point through which personal power is sent from the body. Normally the hand used for manual activities such as writing, dialing the phone, etc. It is also the hand in which tools such as the athame and wand are held.
Psychic Mind: The subconscious, or unconscious mind, in which we receive psychic impressions. It is at work when we sleep, dream, and meditate. It is our direct link with the Divine, and with the larger, nonphysical world around us.
Psychism: The act of being consciously psychic, in which the psychic mind and conscious mind are linked and working in harmony. Also known as psychic awareness.
Psychokinesis: The act of mind over matter, or mind controlling matter by mind alone.
Psychometry: The ability to receive and interpret vibrations from inanimate places and things. See Empath.
Qabala: See Kabbala
Quarters: The four major Sabbats (holidays or seasonal marks) of the year. ALSO - The four elemental powers and the directions associated with them (east, south, west, and north). The four corners of ritual circle
Radiesthesia: The use of a pendulum for divination work.
Radionics: Any of several divinatory methods, where a message is received as in radio, through the air; but here the meaning is of an intuitive exercise.
Receptive Hand: The hand through which energy is received into the body. The left hand in right-handed persons, the reverse for left-handed persons.
Rede, Wiccan: The basic tenet of witchcraft. "An it harm none, do what thou will".
Regression: By hypnosis or other means, to cause the mind to remember or re-experience details of the past, or previous lifetimes.
Reincarnation: 1) The doctrine of rebirth of the spirit. 2) The process of repeated incarnations (lives), in physical form to allow the evolution of the soul.
Right Ascension: An astrology term referring to the distance in the sky measured along a parallel to the Earth's Equator, similar longitude lines but starting at the Zodiac beginning. As the Earth rotates on its axis each day, this celestial 'equator' and ecliptic is carried along with the Earth's Equator from 0 degree geographical longitude to 180 degree west and then back around to 0 degree again.
Risting: The act of drawing a rune shape or letter, in the air.
Rite: A prescribed form of ceremony.
Ritual: 1) (noun) A system of rites, the order prescribed for a ceremony. (Adjective) relating to rites. General usage: Refer to Sabbats such as "The Rites of Spring". Ritual is used more often when referring to Magickal practices. 2) A ceremony or festival. 3) A spell. 3) Specific movements and manipulations to produce desired effects. In religion, its purpose is to unite Self with the Divine. But in magick, it's to allow the person to move energy in desired ways.
Ritual Ceremony: A specific form of movement, a manipulation of objects or inner processes designed to produce desired effects. In religion ritual is geared toward union with the Divine. In magickal works it produces a specific state of consciousness that allows the Witch to move energy toward needed goals.
Ritual Consciousness: A specific, alternate state of awareness necessary to the successful practice of magick. This state is achieved through the use of visualization and ritual. The conscious mind becomes attuned with the psychic mind, a state in which the magician senses energies, gives them purpose, and releases them toward a specific goal. It is a heightening of senses, an expanded awareness of the nonphysical world, a linking with nature and with Deity.
Ritual Tools: General name for magickal tools used by a witch. They vary by tradition and usually represent one of the elements.
Runes: 1) Divination tools. Remnant of ancient Teutonic alphabets. Used to divine current status of person or question, placed before them. The adept user can do spells and other works with runes. 2) Letters of ancient alphabet used in Magick.
Rune, Witch's: This is a poem chanted to raise power.
Sabbat(s): Pagan festivals that are a time of rejoicing and celebration (no work should be done except in emergencies). There are 8 holy celebrations of Wicca all called Sabbats. They celebrate the astronomical occurrences of the Sun (God) and related daylight hours. (opposite of Esbat: Moon (Goddess) celebrations).
The Four Greater Sabbats: Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain.
The Four Lesser Sabbats: Mabon, Litha (Midsummer), Ostara, and Yule.
Sacred Space: That space that is contained within the confines of the magic circle, cast and consecrated for Wiccan ritual.
Sachet: A cloth bag, usually of natural fibers; filled with herbs.
Sacrament: Food, drink, or sexual love which is partaken in the honor of the deity in either a formal or informal rite.
Sage: A sometimes used term for a male 'Crone'.
Saging: The ritual for a man reaching the status of Sage (See Sage).
Samhain: The festival of remembrance for the dead, held on the eve of Nov. 1st. It is the last of the three harvests. This festival also marks the transition of rulership of the "Wheel of the Year from that of the Goddess to that of the God.
Scourge: Small device made from leather or hemp which resembles a whip and is used in flagellation rites within certain traditions.
Scrying: A method of divination. To gaze at or into an object (a quartz cyrstal sphere, a pool of water, reflections, a candle flame) to still the conscious mind in order to contact the psychic mind. Scrying allows the scryer to become aware of events prior to their actual occurrence, as well as to perceive past or present events through other than the five senses.
Scrying Stone: A stone or crystal used to see the future.
Seal: Representation of an entity, physical or non-physical.
Sealing: This term is used when a spell is 'sealed' by gestures or chant, etc; this is to contain the raised energy into the spell.
Seax Wicca: A very modern reconstruction of the Saxon Tradition, founded by Raymond Buckland who originally helped bring the Gardnerian tradition to the U.S. It is derived from the Pictish tradition of Scotland and the Saxon tradition of England.
Septagram: A seven pointed star symbol used in ceremonial magick. It represents the seven tenets of: Balance, Harmony, Humility, Learning, Reincarnation, Tolerance, Trust. Once it represented seven angels who became seven planets (the ones then known), and was called the Mystic Star. Other seven's include Days of the Week, Deadly Sins, Mounts of the Hand, Pillars of Wisdom, Sacraments, Virtues, and Wonders of the World.
Seven Planes of Existence: Some people follow the belief that you reincarnate at least seven times within seven Basic Soul Stages. The stages are: infant, baby, youth, mature, old, transcendental , and infinite. The seven roles are sage, artisan, priest, slave, king, warrior, and scholar.
Shaman: A practitioner of Shamanism. A person who has obtained knowledge of the subtler aspects of the World by periods of alternate states of consciousness. Native Americans are quite adamant that only an 'Indian' can truly practice such with any real knowledge and that others are just fakes and game players who 'practice' at the expense of the respect and truth of what Shamanism is really about. A title given to either a male or female initiate of a religious priesthood usually associated with native American, African, Asian or Australian traditions. Pagan rather than Wiccan.
Shamanic Tradition: A very individualisti c tradition of Wicca as typified by the practice of Shan of the House of the Goddess in London, England. Chanting, Drumming, and simple dance is their way of expressing love for the Goddess. Most Shaman Traditions take their ideas from various sources: Tibet, Finland, North America, South America and Celtic to name a few. They incorporate these aspects into their own rituals. Some groups use natural hallucinogenics such as marihuana and peyote. This path needs an expert teacher if natural intoxicants are involved.
Shillelagh: Magickal tool corresponding to the staff in certain traditions. Usually made from blackthorn wood.
Sigil: Magickally oriented seal, sign, glyph, or other device used in a magickal working. Ones you create yourself are the most effective. Sigils can be used on letters, packages, clothing, etc.
Simple Feast: A ritual meal of sharing with the Goddess and God, also known as a Cakes & Ale Ceremony. Useful to help Ground oneself after Rituals.
Sky Father: Shamanistic in origin. It assigns deification to the sky as a male entity.
Skyclad: A term meaning clad only by the sky, or nude. The act of celebrating or performing magickal works in the nude is also called skyclad. Considered deeply spiritual, NOT sexual. (Also, may I point out that using the term "skyclad" when only referring to common nudity is rather immature. You don't take a shower skyclad**).
Solitary: Pagan who works and worships alone.
Solstice: Twice a year, midway between the equinox, there are two days, one of the longest light hours, the other of the longest dark hours. These occur on the 21st of their months.
"So Mote It Be": Modernly translated as "So be it." It is used by many Wiccans in the way that other faiths use "Amen", which is translated as "let it be". Therefore the meanings are much the same.
Soul-Mates: Individuals who are continuously involved with each other in successive Incarnations, becoming rather like a pair of binary stars. Also known as twin souls.
Sound Magick: has to do with energy raised by musicle notes, or pitchs, etc.
Speculum: A magic gazing mirror, usually with a dark or black surface, used for divination.
Spell: A magickal ritual, prayer, or act wherein a person actively bends and gives directive to natural energies for a needed purpose. It should be clear, concise, focused, and emotional. Need must be present.
Spinning: Archaic. Means by which raw fiber is spun into thread with a distaff or spindle. In archaic times, it was figuratively believed that the Great Goddess spun all of existence from raw chaos into reality. Spinning Magick was used among the ancient Norse and Germans as a solitary or group ritual. The Norns, the crone-goddesse s of north and east Europe, were said to spin fates and destinies.
Spiral: Symbol of coming into being.
Spirits of the Stones: The naturally inherent elemental energies, of the four corners of a Circle, personified. They are linked to the Elements.
Spirit Subjects: Other words having to do with Spirit or Soul. They are Wraith (Raith) which is Spirit Ectoplasm; Ethereal which is Spirit Matter or Ectoplasm. A Spirit emits these substances when it manifests in this dimension.
Spiritualism: The belief that the spirits (or 'dead' persons) can talk to us in this dimension.
Staff: A magickal tool made of well-seasoned hardwood, straight, and of the owner's height and up in length. Corresponds to the wand or athame.
Stang: Ritual tool from Pagan Rome which resembles a two-pronged trident. Often used in place of the wand or circle.
Stars, Fixed/Wandering: In Astrology; a Fixed Star is a regular star like makes up the constellations but a Wandering Star was a term meant for planets and our moon. Some Astrologers and horoscopes still refer to these as 'The Stars', which is just a romanticism now.
Star of David: This well known Jewish symbol. It represents the united male and female. Consisting of 2 triangles, the one pointing up is the 'male' and the downward pointing one, represents the 'female'; thus overlapping to form the 'Star', it represents Elohim (God).
Star(ing) Oneself: A Self Blessing exercise that one does by taking the Projective Hand and making a Pentacle motion, touching yourself: forehead, left breast, right shoulder, left shoulder, right breast, forehead. Resembles the blessing exercised by Catholics. You want to visualize yourself protected and 'blessed' during this exercise.
Strega: (Also: Stregha) The Italian tradition of the Craft, derived from Etruscan Tradition; also used as an Italian word for Witch.
Summerland: The Neopagan/Wicca n concept of 'heaven', a land where it is always summer and where the soul goes for a period of rest before reincarnation.
Summoner: In some Traditions, this is a male who is the counter-part of the Maiden. He is the assistant High Priest.
Sun Wheel: Ancient eight-spoked wheel which symbolized the year, each spoke symbolizing one of the seasonal or cross-quarter festivals. It also bespoke the cyclical nature of all things. The sun wheel is still used as a protective talisman with many metaphysical meanings.
Sword: Used to refer to any magickal sword used by a Pagan, Witch or magician, in conjuration or ceremonial work.
Sympathetic Magick: Concept of likes attract. Most common way spells are worked.
T'ai Chi: An exercise to learn how to regulate one's breathing, relax, and meditate. It calms.
Tabards: Ritual robes.
Taboo: Forbidden object or exercise.
Talisman: An object charged with personal power to attract a specific force or energy to its bearer.
Tarot Cards: Set of 78 cards which feature pictures and symbols used to conned the diviner with the collective unconscious.
Tarologist: One adept at the art and science of handling the Tarot.
Tasseography: The act of 'reading' tea leaves in divination work.
Telepathy: The act of 'thought transference'.
Thaumaturgic: Pray for divine intervention, like 'God give us world peace.'
Thebian Script: The Witches Alphabet, a common type of writing used especially by "traditionalis t" and Gardnerian Wiccans.
Theology: is Greek, meaning the 'Study of God.
Third Eye: This is the sensitive area between the eyes & up on the forhead about an inch. Site of a Major Chakra, the Pineal gland. It relates to intuitive input to the Conscious Mind & is often called The Mind's Eye.
Threefold Law: Karmic principle that energy that is released is returned three times over.
Thrice Born: An Initiate; a true Witch; born once from their mother, once from the Cauldron, and once from the God/dess.
Thurible: An incense burner that hangs from a chain, and swung by a carrior, to spread its smoke (Air Element symbol). Used during rituals to cleanse the space within the magic Circle. Fire Element symbol.
Tincture: A liquid produced by soaking plant parts (herbs), in ethyl alcohol or vinegar, to produce a scented liquid.
Tools, Physical: The instruments empowered with magick, used by Pagans. These would include runes, tarot, candles, crystals, wand, censor, etc. Tools should be physically cleaned, consecrated and even engraved, prior to use for ceremonial purposes.
Tools, Nonphysical: The three most generally used are: music, dance and gestures. These raise power, alter consciousness and serve to unite Self, with Diety.
Traditional: Many branches of the craft claim to be pre-Gardnerian . These usually call themselves Traditional. This covers a lot of territory and depends on the area of origin (i.e. Wales, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Basque, etc.).
Traditions: Systems of training in the Craft: Some traditions are: Gardnerian, Celtic Traditionalist , Welsh Traditionalist, Y Tylwyth Teg, Alexandrian, Continentalist, Stregha, Fairy, Feminist, Dianic, etc.
Tradition, Wiccan: A specific branch or SECT of Wiccan religion, with its own structured practices.
Transcendent: Means 'it'. Surpasses all, is supreme in excellence, and is beyond all human knowledge.
Transvection: Levitation or projection of the astral body.
Triangle: In Ceremonial Magick, a three sided figure used to contain a spirit, intelligence, demon, or whatever has been evoked; it is part of the method of protection for the person or persons who have evoked the entity.
Trilithon: A stone arch made from two upright slabs with one lying atop these. They are featured in Stonehenge.
Triple Goddess: One Goddess in all of her three aspects: Maiden, Mother, Crone.
Triskelion: This is a triple, overlapping triangle symbol and represents Fate(s). One side of each triangle is missing, and this gives an overall impression of movement and activity, of energy in action.
None at the moment.
Valiente, Doreen: A popular Craft author and English High Priestess now deceased, whose poetic works include 'The Charge of the Goddess' and 'The Witches' Rune'. Doreen Valiente was initiated by Gerald B. Gardner (Gardnerian Tradition Founder) in 1953. She replaced much of Aleister Crowley's work in Gardner's rituals with her own. She was a widow before her death, and lived in Sussex. Her notable works are often misquoted and plagiarized. She contributed a great deal to the Craft. A prolific writer, her books included these titles and more: Natural Magic, An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present, The Rebirth of Witchcraft, Witchcraft for Tomorrow
Venendum: Pagan staff for ritual work; also called stang.
Vibrations: Magickal radiation of all things
Virgin: See Maiden.
Vision Quest: Using astral projection, bi-location, or dream time to accomplish a specific goal. Also called path working.
Visualization: The process of forming mental images. Magickal visualization consists of forming images of needed goals during a ritual. It is also used to direct personal power and natural energies for various purposes during magick, including charging and forming of the magick circle.
Voodoo or Vodoun: The remains of several African religions brought to the Western world by slaves and later combined with Catholicism. Similar to Santeria, Brujeria and Spiritismo. Sympathetic Magick plays an important part in the Voudoun rites.
Vortex: The whirling forces of the cone of power.
Wand: Ritual tool brought to the craft from ritual magick.
Waning Moon: A phase of the moon in which the face of the moon is getting smaller (the time between a full moon and a new moon).
Warlock: Wiccan folk don't use this word for "Male Witch". It is an old English/Scotti sh word meaning untrustworthy or oath-breaker. A male Witch is usually referred to as a Witch! Most Pagans and Witch’s find the term offensive.
Watchtowers, (Guardians of the): They are used to call and protect the Elementals, each having their own special attributes. They are both visible/physic al as well as non-visible/spiritual. They are invoked during rituals as protectors of our Circle of Power.
North: Earth - stable, solid, dependable. Feminine - Green
East: Air - thought, intellect. Masculine - Yellow
South: Fire - change, passion, willpower. Masculine - Red
West: Water - emotions, purification. Feminine - Blue
Centre: Spirit - intuitiveness. Unisexed Soul - White
Waxing Moon: A phase of the moon in which the face of the moon is getting larger (the time between a new moon and a full moon).
Web Weaving: Networking with other magickal people via conversation, writing, e-mail, to gather information which will mutually assist each party.
Welsh Tradition: 1.) Y Tylwyth Teg, the American branch of Dynion Mwyn, brought to the U.S. by Rhuddlwm Gawr in 1966. Derived from the Tribe of Dynion Mwyn in North Wales. What distinguishes the Tradition of Y Tylwyth Teg from other traditions of Witchcraft or Wicca in general, is the emphasis on a historical linage (alleged to have been passed down from Prince Llewellyn) since 1282; a focus on religious equality (either High Priest or High Priestess may initiate or lead a coven (or grove); and the passing down of handwritten copies of books of power, which include: The Owl (a Book of Shadows), and thirteen books containing magickal philosophy, myths, legends, history, and rituals. These books were named after the Original Mythological Thirteen Treasures of Ancient Britain. The tradition includes a body of lore and ritual associated with the Welsh Mabinogion and Welsh Triads. 2.) The New York Welsh Tradition. This tradition was originally founded by Ed Buczynski with the help of Herman Slater. It is derived from The Celtic Tradition as taught by the late Gwen Thompson. 3.) A Tradition of Witchcraft derived from the teachings of the ancient Welsh Bards and practiced by Keith Morgan of Wales. 4.) A Southern Wales tradition called "Nementon", which was brought to the U.S. by the late Gwydion Penderwen, who founded the tradition in the 60's and 70's in California, and is being carried on by his initiates.
Wheel of the Year: One full cycle of the seasonal year.
Wicca: A modern Pagan religion with spiritual roots in the earliest expressions of reverence for nature. Some major identifying motifs are: reverence for both the Goddess and God; acceptance of reincarnation and magick; ritual observance of astronomical and agricultural phenomena; and the use of magickal circles for ritual purposes.
Wiccan: One who practices Wicca. See Wicca.
Wiccaning: The act of parents, promising to rear their children in the Wiccan culture. (Also known as Paganing {See Paganing}). This is also the inspiration term for our wiki, The Wiccaning.
Wicca Scripture: Lessons learned by observing Nature.
Wicce: Synonymous with Wicca. In some circles, Wicce is used for women and Wicca is used for men.
Widdershins: Counter Sunwards (Anti-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, Clockwise in the Southern) motion around a circle to disperse or tear down negative energy (opposite of Deosil).
Wise Ones: The personificatio ns of traditional God/desses and Hero/ines, and ancient teachers.
Witch: Sometimes the name of a follower of Wicca (historically, a person who uses Magick). Also; A practitioner of folk magick, particularly that kind relating to herbs, stones, colours, wells, rivers, etc. It is used by some Wiccans to describe themselves. This term has nothing to do with Satanism.
Witchcraft: The craft of the witch: magick, especially magick utilizing personal power in conjunction with the energies within stones, herbs, colours, and other natural objects. This belief system also has nothing to do with Satanism.
Witches' Pyramid: A creed and a structure of learning that witches follow: "To Know, To Dare, To Will, and To Be Silent".
Witch Queen: A High Priestess from whose coven at least two other covens have hived off.***
Wort: An ancient word meaning herb, as in mugwort. Wortcraft = Herbcraft or Herbalism.
Worship: in Paganism and Wicca, this means to become one with the gods during a group or personal rite and to endeavor to draw the essence of a goddess or god within, to see and understand from their viewpoint.
Xylomancy: Divination by branch or twig formations, as in interpreting their patterns on the ground, on trees against the sky, or in a fire as they burn. Y
Yggdrasil: One of the best known Tree of Life symbols. It unites all existence from the Underworld, to the Physical world.
Yule: 1) the festival celebrated about Dec. 21, on the Winter Solstice (shortest day of year) Also called Alban Arthan, Jul, and the Winter Solstice. It marks the God's rebirth from the Goddess, and reminds us that Death's product is Rebirth.
Y Tylwyth Teg: (Literally "The Fairy Folk" also "The Beautiful People") 1) The Faeire tradition of Wales; 2) a clan of priests and priestesses who are members of the Dynion Mwyn ("fair family") Welsh tradition; 3) brought to the U.S. by Rhuddlwm Gawr; also see Welsh Tradition.
Zener Cards: A deck of 25 cards, each with one of five patterns (star, waves, square, equal armed cross, and circle) used in parapsychology experiments
Zenith: An astrology term. A point when a celestial body is directly overhead. Nadir is the exact opposite.
Zodiac: A Greek name given to the 'belt' of stars through which the planets apparently pass centrally through. The ecliptic is the circle line on the celestial sphere (like an Equator), which lies in the plane of the Sun's orbit around the Earth. The Zodiac then is divided into 12 parts called Signs or Houses (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces). The in-between of a House, is a Cusp. And these Houses or Signs are then part of an Element (count 1, 2, 3, 4 to place every 4th matching) - Fire, Earth, Air, or Water. Then you have Polarity: Fire and Air = positive, Water and Earth = negative. Further, Fire is opposite Air, and Water opposite Earth.
Zodiac Quarters: The Zodiac begins at the Vernal Equinoctial point or Spring, where the ecliptic crosses the Equator south to north. The 4 quarters are divided by solstices & equinoxes. Each quarter is further divided by 3 Signs: Cardinal starts, Fixed persists the process, and Mutable completes.
Zyzygy: An astrology term. An event when three or more heavenly bodies (that is, planets, stars, etc.), line up.